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Kyoto Saneido Launch Announcement

国と国との断絶により世界が絶望的に見える現在、多様な写真表現が人同士の理解を深め合うための、それぞれの糸口になることを信じて活動してゆきます。空間は現在改修工事中ですが、これから少しづつ情報を発信してゆく予定ですので、共に見守っていただければ幸いです。 これからも皆さまのご支援、ご協力をお願い申し上げます。



Our goal is to establish a small but intimate space in Kyoto.
Several years ago, we encountered a garden house dating back to some 100 years ago that stood on Kujoyama in the eastern part of Kyoto. It was this very house that inspired our new journey.
Kyoto Saneido differs from the photography art centres that we founded in the north and south of China. It is an atelier; a library; an intimate circle for us to communicate with each other; and a space for us to open our hearts to the sounds of nature. We want to share this intimate and private space with other like-minded people.
Since 2015, our ongoing series “Jifei Kyoto” has been an opportunity for us to make a connection with and give a new perspective on the world. In continuing our work, our future activities will be carried out under the name “Jifei Photography”.
We believe that the diversity of photography can bring us together and deepen our understanding of the world around us, especially during this recent time of global despair—when crossing borders has become an insurmountable challenge, and when countries have started losing contact with each other. From here on out, we want to spread the that photography can impact upon more people. 
The space is currently undergoing renovations. We hope to see you soon, but until then—we thank you for being with us, following our journey, and your continued interest in our work. 

April 27, 2022